Terms and Conditions
Whales harness tipping service, has made every effort to prepare and present information, products and content on this website, together with various additional resources, in a proper, responsible and reasonable manner, from a variety of sources. Given the nature of the racing industry and the many varied factors involved, the information, products, content and resources are presented with the best knowledge and belief of The Whale. The information, products, content and resources are in essence information, based solely on opinions from a variety of sources and provided to you and that you use, only in accordance with these Terms of Use. As such, the content referred to herein, is provided to you for your personal use only, so as to assist, inform or entertain you, in your pursuit of your interests, in the sport of racing.
There is no guarantee of any nature whatsoever, that any of this information, products, content or resources will provide you, or advance you in any way towards obtaining any particular aspect or level of success. The level of success that you may, or will achieve, depends entirely on the time you devote to the pursuit, as well as your ideas and various skills and your application of any of the ideas, techniques and resources that may be provided or made available to you, by us. Since these factors differ greatly between individuals, we cannot and do not, under any circumstances, guarantee your success, or any income or earning potential, nor are we responsible for any of your actions or losses. The sport of racing and the wagering on horses thereto is by its very nature a high risk endeavour, that you undertake solely of your own volition and as an action or decision made solely by you.
The content and resources that we provide to you, either on this website, or contained within any of our various products or resources, are provided to you for your personal use and information only. It is not intended to provide you with any advice, outcome, earnings potential or income solution about any particular aspect of the sport of racing or the wagering of bets thereon and under no circumstances should you rely upon such and therefore such content and resources should only be used by you as a guide, in assisting you in the various aspects of any of our products, information or programs. You should always seek individual personal advice from a properly accredited person in respect of outcomes, earnings potential, income and the like. We do not purport this content, information, products, or resources to be a guarantee that you will succeed in any aspect whatever, including income enhancement. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied in regards to any outcomes for you, and any results obtained are solely at your own risk. Further, Whales harness tipping service, its principals, associates, agents and employees will not accept any liability or claims of any nature whatsoever, including any consequential claims, for any outcome, loss or result that may occur or happen, whether or not any of the information, content, products and resources were used or misused by you in any way.
Some content in our information, products, websites and resources, may on occasions use words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “intend”, or other words or terms with similar meaning in connection with winning, levels of success, income potential or similar. These may be considered forward looking statements in relation to forecasts or future events. Any or all of such forward looking statements, whether in our sales materials, content, information, products and resources, are only intended to express our opinions about such potential. Owing to the many important and varied factors involved, we make no guarantee of your actual results, or that you will achieve any results, arising from the information, or the using any of our content, resources and products, or the techniques, ideas and methods within such content.
By visiting this website or using the content, information, products or resources of this website or any materials associated with or supplied in conjunction thereto, from time to time, you agree to abide by the Terms of Use herein stated and further agree that any actions you take as a result of any of the above, is an action or consequence solely undertaken by you, the responsibility of which is yours only. Further, you agree that you are over 18 years of age. Should you not agree to abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy as stated herein or you are not over 18 years of age, then we respectfully request that you leave this site and do not use any of the resources herein. We support responsible wagering and always suggest you set a budget that you can afford and never exceed such budget. If you have a problem with wagering or gambling, we urge you to immediately seek professional help. We wish you every success and trust that our site will inform and entertain you in your endeavours and pursuit of the sport of racing.